Tiny Needle Point Crossword Clue

Tiny needle point crossword clue – In the intricate world of crosswords, the term “tiny needle point” presents a tantalizing clue that requires a keen eye and a deep understanding of the craft. This guide delves into the enigmatic world of tiny needle points, exploring its definitions, common examples, related concepts, solving strategies, and cultural significance.

Tiny Needle Point in Crosswords: Tiny Needle Point Crossword Clue

Tiny needle point crossword clue

In the realm of crossword puzzles, “tiny needle point” refers to a small, sharp object used for embroidery or sewing. It is typically made of metal, such as steel or gold, and has a fine point that allows for intricate stitching.

Definitions and Meanings

The term “tiny needle point” in crosswords specifically describes a small, pointed object used for needlepoint embroidery, a type of embroidery that involves stitching over a canvas using a needle and thread.

Synonyms for “tiny needle point” in this context include:

  • Needle
  • Embroidery needle
  • Sewing needle
  • Sharp
  • Pointed

Common Examples and Clues

Common examples of “tiny needle point” that may appear in crossword puzzles include:

  • Embroidery needle
  • Sewing needle
  • Cross-stitch needle
  • Crewel needle
  • Tapestry needle

Crossword clues that specifically reference “tiny needle point” may include:

  • Sharp object used in embroidery
  • Pointed tool for sewing
  • Needle for needlepoint
  • Small, sharp object for embroidery

Related Concepts and Terms

Related concepts and terms that are often associated with “tiny needle point” in crosswords include:

  • Embroidery
  • Needlepoint
  • Sewing
  • Thread
  • Canvas

Understanding these related concepts can help solvers find the correct answer to crossword clues that mention “tiny needle point.”

Solving Strategies

To solve crossword clues that mention “tiny needle point,” consider the following strategies:

  • Look for clues that mention embroidery, sewing, or needlework.
  • Consider the size and shape of the object being described.
  • Think about the purpose of the object in the context of embroidery or sewing.
  • Try synonyms for “tiny needle point” such as “needle” or “sharp.”

Variations and Exceptions, Tiny needle point crossword clue

In some cases, “tiny needle point” may also refer to a small, sharp object used for other purposes, such as piercing or engraving.

It is important to consider the context of the crossword clue to determine the specific meaning of “tiny needle point.”

Cultural and Historical Context

The term “tiny needle point” has been used in crosswords for many years and is a familiar concept to crossword solvers.

The popularity of needlepoint and embroidery has contributed to the widespread use of this term in crosswords.

Quick FAQs

What is the definition of “tiny needle point” in the context of crosswords?

In crosswords, “tiny needle point” refers to the small, sharp tip of a needle used in embroidery or sewing.

Can you provide an example of a crossword clue that references “tiny needle point”?

One example is “What you thread through a needle’s eye” (answer: “Tiny needle point”).

What are some related concepts that can help solvers find the correct answer?

Related concepts include “embroidery,” “sewing,” and “needlework.”

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