How Long Does Exparel Stay In Your System

How long does Exparel stay in your system? This question is of paramount importance to individuals seeking a thorough understanding of the duration of action and elimination pathways of this local anesthetic. In this article, we delve into the pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and excretion of Exparel, providing a comprehensive analysis of its presence within the body.

Exparel, known generically as bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension, is a long-acting local anesthetic widely used in surgical procedures to provide extended pain relief. Understanding its duration of action is crucial for optimizing pain management strategies and ensuring patient comfort.

Drug Information: How Long Does Exparel Stay In Your System

Exparel is a local anesthetic that contains the active ingredient bupivacaine. It is available in two dosage forms: a solution for injection and a liposomal injectable suspension. The solution for injection is available in strengths of 0.25% and 0.5%, while the liposomal injectable suspension is available in a strength of 1.33%.

Exparel is typically administered by injection into the surgical site.


How long does exparel stay in your system

Exparel is slowly absorbed after injection, with peak plasma concentrations occurring within 2 to 4 hours. The volume of distribution of Exparel is approximately 1.5 to 2.5 L/kg.

Metabolism and Excretion

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Exparel is metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P450 enzymes. The elimination half-life of Exparel is approximately 10 to 12 hours. The primary route of excretion for Exparel is via the kidneys.

Duration of Action

How long does exparel stay in your system

Exparel provides long-lasting analgesia, with a duration of action that can range from 72 to 120 hours. The duration of action of Exparel is affected by several factors, including the dose of the drug, the site of injection, and the individual patient’s metabolism.

Compared to other local anesthetics, Exparel has a longer duration of action. For example, the duration of action of bupivacaine is typically 6 to 8 hours, while the duration of action of lidocaine is typically 1 to 2 hours.

Essential FAQs

How long does Exparel’s effect last?

Exparel typically provides pain relief for 72 hours or longer, depending on the surgical procedure and individual patient factors.

Does Exparel stay in your system indefinitely?

No, Exparel is gradually metabolized and excreted from the body over time.

Can Exparel be detected in drug tests?

Yes, Exparel can be detected in urine drug tests for up to several days after administration.