Gramatica A The Verb Estar Answers Key Page 76

Gramatica A The Verb Estar Answers Key Page 76 unveils the intricacies of Spanish verb conjugation, providing a comprehensive guide for learners to grasp the nuances of “estar.” Embark on an educational journey that demystifies the complexities of Spanish grammar, empowering you to communicate with confidence and precision.

Delving into the essence of the verb “estar,” we explore its conjugation in the present tense, unraveling the規則and patterns that govern its usage. Through a structured approach, you’ll master the art of expressing location, condition, and emotions, unlocking a deeper understanding of Spanish language.

Gramatica: The Verb Estar: Gramatica A The Verb Estar Answers Key Page 76

Gramatica a the verb estar answers key page 76

The exercise on page 76 provides practice in conjugating the Spanish verb “estar” in the present tense. The verb “estar” is used to describe states of being or location.

The present tense conjugation of “estar” is as follows:

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
yo estoy
él/ella/usted está
nosotros/nosotras estamos
vosotros/vosotras estáis
ellos/ellas/ustedes están


The exercise on page 76 asks students to conjugate the verb “estar” in the present tense according to the subject pronoun provided.

Answer Key, Gramatica a the verb estar answers key page 76

  • Yo estoy en la escuela.
  • Tú estás en el parque.
  • Él está en la biblioteca.
  • Nosotros estamos en el cine.
  • Vosotros estáis en el museo.
  • Ellos están en el restaurante.

Example Sentences

  • Estoy feliz de verte.
  • Estás cansado.
  • Ella está enferma.
  • Estamos en casa.
  • Estáis en la clase.
  • Ellos están en la calle.

English Translation:

  • I am happy to see you.
  • You are tired.
  • She is sick.
  • We are at home.
  • You (plural) are in class.
  • They are on the street.

Additional Practice

  • Complete the following sentences with the correct form of “estar”:
  • Yo ________ en la escuela.
  • Tú ________ en el parque.
  • Él ________ en la biblioteca.
  • Nosotros ________ en el cine.
  • Vosotros ________ en el museo.
  • Ellos ________ en el restaurante.

Answer Key:

  • estoy
  • estás
  • está
  • estamos
  • estáis
  • están

Key Questions Answered

What is the purpose of Gramatica A The Verb Estar Answers Key Page 76?

Gramatica A The Verb Estar Answers Key Page 76 serves as a valuable resource for learners to practice and reinforce their understanding of the verb “estar” in Spanish.

How does the exercise on page 76 help with verb conjugation?

The exercise on page 76 provides guided practice in conjugating the verb “estar” in the present tense, allowing learners to apply the rules and patterns of Spanish grammar.

What additional resources can I use to enhance my understanding of verb conjugation?

To further solidify your grasp of verb conjugation, consider exploring online exercises, printable worksheets, and immersive language learning platforms that offer interactive practice opportunities.